
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Bacon Makes Everything Better

Bacon speaks to me.  There's something about that perfect combination of salt and crunch that pulls at my heart strings.  My mouth is salivating just thinking about bacon right now.  With that said, I hate cooking it.  I take that back.  I don't actually mind the cooking part so much.  It's the smell that permeates my hair, my clothes, the Mister, Little Miss M, Baby P, the whole house, the neighbor's house, the next county...  You get the idea.  I recently made a discovery that has been life-changing.  Literally.  Bake the bacon!  There's no splattering mess, no pan of grease to clean out, and it cuts the stench by at least half!  Not to mention it is super duper easy.  Line a cookie sheet with tin foil, lay pieces of bacon side by side on foil, place in cold oven, turn oven to 400 degrees and just walk away.  Come back 20 minutes later to perfectly crisped bacon.  Using tongs, place bacon on paper towels to soak up the excess grease.  Once the bacon grease in pan has cooled, wad the foil into a ball and throw it away.  Simple as that!

Now that we have that out of the way, last night's dinner received a 5-star rating from the Mister.  Impressive, huh?  With a rating that high, I can't help but share it!  This recipe is brought to you courtesy of Olive Garden's own kitchen.  And it is oh so good.  Allow me to introduce you to Tortellini in Mushroom-Walnut Sauce.  It's surprisingly simple.  And simply delicious.  Start to finish it took just under half an hour!

Tortellini in Mushroom-Walnut Sauce

12 oz ravioli or tortellini, cooked according to package directions
2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
8 oz mushrooms, sliced
1/4 cup walnuts, chopped
1 cup heavy whipping cream
1/4 tsp black pepper
1 1/2 cups freshly grated Parmesan cheese 
Crumbled bacon for garnish  

Heat olive oil in large skillet over medium heat. Sauté mushrooms and walnuts until mushrooms are golden brown. 

Add heavy cream stir frequently for 5 minutes, until sauce has slightly thickened. 

When cream stops simmering, turn heat to warm. Add pepper and Parmesan cheese; stir until sauce is smooth. Do not boil.

Drain pasta and place on a serving plate. Pour sauce over pasta. 
Olive Garden's recipe calls for parsley as a garnish.  I opted for bacon.  

Serve immediately.

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